TCD-70T vigor and "kick"
AudioMuzoFans tests our TCD-70T CD player:
Dynamics and bass, because these must be described together. The dynamics turned out to be excellent and at a high level so much that I wondered whether it was really worth buying a used CD player since at least in this aspect it was really good.
Hard rock recordings with precisely recorded drums presented the percussion in an impressive way at times, there was both vigor and "kick" including the kick drum. Without losing resolution in dense parts of "cymbals", but with due detail.
The very bottom end of the range also showed vigor - strong and precise at the same time, even in complicated parts of the bass guitar or double bass. Recordings using the organ revealed that the very edge is quite "round" in a pleasant way. On the subject of control, I will write that it was there and did not get lost in particular, but it did not always keep in check, what is important, the "bottom" will certainly not be lacking.
Time for the midrange - starting with recordings of female vocals. The midrange seemed to me a bit too warm and perhaps this can be shaped by replacing the used electron tubes. What is cool is the so-called "drive" with richness in details and slight placed towards us, overall makes a good impression. The sound of the midrange is open, smooth, transparent, tending towards "honey", it is clear that in this range the use of electron tubes is probably the most obvious.
I also could not find flaw in the top of the range given the budget. The treble is clean and full in rendering all kinds of "disruptors", there was no lack of tubes timbre in this case either. There is no point in looking for rapacity or anything that would irritate us in reception. I also liked the richness of details and the very precision of the top of the range.
At the end of the listening sessions I decided to take a closer look at the player's capabilities in creating space or correctly rendering it. The space was amazingly huge, rich, wide and deep, again I could not find fault with anything.